Friday, May 21, 2010


Last night I had the pleasure of a reading/book signing at Fact and Fiction, in Missoula, on North Higgins. Barbara has had that bookstore since my daughter was quite young. I remember going in for books with Autumn's hand in mine, and enjoying her divese offerings in both the children's and adult sections. That part hasn't changed although her location is right on the main drag in old Missoula now.

I felt truly honored in this event. Barb had put a sandwich sign on the sidewalk, had copies of my book on the table as you walked in, and another big sign with a few notes about the book itself. Honored, that's the word, and welcomed! She introduced me herself, had read a bit of the book, and seemed really excited that I was there, along with the 12 or so folks that showed up.

Yup, more friends, bless their souls. Three came who had come to the public library reading just a week ago. That's friends! The good news is I sold 10 or so books, and Barb wanted four to have on hand that were signed already! Even my local Hamilton bookstore didn't bother to do that. They didn't value my effort for some reason. They will, soon enough!

Even more exciting to me was two women who didn't know me and purchased the book anyway. That was heartening.

Next event will be over Memorial Day weekend at Inland NW Sufi Camp on Lake Coeur d'Alene. Then on to Spokane at Auntie's Bookstore early in the week and my friend Quan Yin Lynn Williams' home on Friday.

I wish I had a picture to insert tonight, but alas, no time to do all the techno that requires. Will get to it maybe next week.

Book Recommendation for the strong of heart: WAR, new hardbound, $24.95. A journalist was embedded in a platoon stationed on the Pakistan-Afganistan border for a year. Harsh realities interpreted from the lens of why men love war, and how hard it is to return home sometimes. I'm bracing myself to read it very soon.

Thanks for checking in...we're headed to Pasco, Washington for the weekend. More soon.