Friday, July 2, 2010


This past week I've had lovely feedback about the book from folks around town: "It moves right along!" Another woman remarked "Can you believe it? I used to receive MANY SMOKES back in the seventies!"

I was pre-occupied in the grocery store when I felt a soft arm around my shoulders. "Hey Star, I'm reading your book. Got it at the public library!"

How the book was submitted to the library is a mystery. I certainly didn't approach them, but I probably should have. It's on their "New Books" shelf, available for 10 days. What a concept, my book in the library! You should understand, my middle school years were spent in our local library wandering around, reading whatever struck me, doing research about various topics, and loving the quiet and order. Libraries are places of stability and predictability to me.

Another friend told me our mutual acquaintance who is an author approached Hastings Bookstore to move his book closer to the cash register. He added some money to the offer, and up went book sales. I'm trying that one next trip into Missoula.

Like mushrooms popping up after drenching rains, these serendipitous reflections offer delight to my heart and inspire me back to the computer.