Friday, March 5, 2010


Okay, the books haven't arrived yet. Every day my ear is peeled for the UPS truck, or FED express, or whatever!

But checks from friends for the books HAVE started arriving.

Two events: April 3, book reading and signing at River Rising Cafe, Hamilton, MT at 5:30 - 7:30 pm; AND April 10, Chapter One Bookstore, 11 - 1 PM Book Signing (that's a Saturday).

It's not like waiting is boring, there's poems to write, contests to enter, book stores to contact, fliers to

I've settled on $25 includes shipping for U.S. folks, $27 for Candian friends.

Wow, book orders. It's happening! Just like spring, pushing through is finally becoming visable. Hope you're filled with excitement too.

1 comment:

  1. It is exciting! How fun to get orders already. BTW, are you receiving my emails? Sent you mail March 1, March 4, March 5...
