Tuesday, February 7, 2012


At a reader's request, I am sharing the uploading process for Kindle. I'm always amazed when I go on Amazon that yes! It IS there! At the outset I should declare my ignorance: I am a far cry from a computer geek, although my daughter is, and in a pinch she can help me out, but not with apps like these.

I put off this step of marketing for as long as I could. Then when a whole morning was available to work on it, I psyched myself up to be patient with the process, follow instructions to the nth degree, and pray.

With that in mind, I cautiously began the uploading process with Amazon. I had already paid Booknook.biz $150 to convert MEDICINE ROCK into prc, mobi and epub, the "languages" needed for Kindle and Nook. They send step-by-step instructions for their process, and just encourage writers NOT TO PANIC!

I started by watching Amazon's video about uploading to Kindle, and then went to KDP Platform, followed the directions and eventually it was THERE, on the web, ready for purchase.

Unfortunately, the Kindle version doesn't have a table of contents, which was a major faux pas on my part. AND, the book covers were a hassle, mostly because I couldn't locate them on my hard drive!

Booknook.biz offers these helpful hints: Remember the formats for Kindle are prc and mobi; the format for Nook is epub. If you upload your epub by accident to Amazon, it won't be the end of the world--the book will actually work; but it won't have all the bells and whistles that an Amazon book should (like being linked to the 5-way button). At Pubit, (Nook), though, their uploader can get hung up if you upload the wrong books, so just double-check before you click that "upload" button!

You need Adobe Digital Edition installed on your computer, or use Firefox EpubReader add on (if you are a Firefox browser user and would prefer to go this route). You'll also need a Kindle Reader of some type, to review your Kindle book when it's prepared. You can download a Kindle reading application by going to: FREE Kindle Reading Apps, or by simply going to Amazon, scrolling down their menu on the left hand side until you get to "Kindle" and then selecting "Free Kindle Reading apps" from the pop-up menu.

Let me add that Nook and I didn't get along very well in the uploading process. Their template program isn't happy that the author and the credit card holder are two different names for some reason. I worked with that whole process 2-3 times back in November and haven't attacked it again since. So at the moment the book remains available only in Kindle. But I'll get back to it. Currently I have at least one day a week (usually) to focus on writing and marketing, so I'll clear the decks one of these mornings and voila, there it will be!

I am currently considering a webinair presenter named Steve Harrison who offers a free webinair about marketing and social networking. His starter video is offered in the evenings, which aren't a good time for me to listen/watch. But he's persistent, so I'll probably take the time to pick up a few tips. I'd like to have a MR facebook page, and connect everything together (website, blog, facebook)...another morning's work that takes me away from the flow and swirl of the actual writing which is like taking candy from a two year old!!

I'm delighted if this is helpful to anyone, and amazed I've pulled this much off! Oh, don't forget: deep breathing, and going S L O W L Y. No hurry. Hope this helps!

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