Sunday, March 11, 2012


Yup, I finally got a check from IUniverse for royalties. I think instead of cashing it, I will frame it for the wall in my study. It's for $1.66.

Obviously, since several hundred books have been sold, I have sold them myself. I remember my husband thinking I'd have money from the book coming in by now. I warned him he was being too optimistic, but he didn't give up. Now he's giving up!

I figured my taxes for Fresh Metaphors, my book business. A meager $200 profit for the year. So if you're planning on retiring, writing and living off the fantastic words you peddle in the world, think again. Or get a fantastic agent, who finds a fantastic publisher, and have awesome luck. Cause that's what it takes!

I'm laughing, writing the next book, and still have the Nook info on my desk to tackle one of these days. Ah, the life of the worshipper of words.

1 comment:

  1. Even with a fantastic publisher, I have a feeling an awful lot of self-promotion is required. I never could get into that process, being shy as well as naive... But there are a few things one can do - like trying to encourage friends to write good reviews on Amazon, or posting a list of recommended books on the relevant topic (and including your own, of course!)
