Tuesday, December 22, 2009


What better beginning than Earth Renewal, and a new growing moon. The book is delivered, the contract signed and sealed. Editing is, quite thankfully, over. I am so pleased to offer my story to readers interested in those profound days of growth and change.

The book is in its Solstice phase: unseen, gestating, paper laboring under printing presses that roar and tremble sidewalks blocks away. Many hands serve the mission: pressmen, book consultants, marketing advisors. Before long we'll add bookstore owners, post office delivery people, the list only expands. IUniverse reports retailers such as Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and Books-a-Million will upload the book to their websites within a couple of weeks, and the process will be complete at other major chains withing 3 to 4 weeks.

All of this to share a poignant story, to touch other hearts grieving their beloveds, to remind a generation of us, now greying at the temples, of our wild and wonderful roots. And we still watch and wait. We still grieve. We still offer our warm hearts to the Earth and all her creatures.

Many of you have expressed excitement at this project, so this blog will be a way to share my learning curve, joy and sense of adventure. Thanks for visiting!