Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I have a lovely corrected prototype book in my hand, and the electronic data has gone to the printers! This is last step in publishing, prior to the first steps in selling! Well, not really the first, since I've been calling bookstores, trying to imagine book tours, and setting up the website (soon it will be up).

My local bookstore chooses to buy from me, which gives us both a better profit margin. And IU is correcting their technical error to their distributor (Ingrahm), so the world rights itself ever so slightly once again.

In the meantime, check out Quill & Parchment on-line ezine. I submitted two poems to them just for fun, sort of quirky poems, and they loved them! They want three more! I'm told they've been publishing online for a number of years, and I'm excited to flip the pages of my poetry notebook and see what else I can come up with. That was an unexpected surprise. I've also submitted to the local Cutbank magazine out of University of Montana, but I've received no response.

Well, the sun has arrived. I MUST go outside!