Wednesday, July 28, 2010


The old platitude "strike while the iron's hot" must come from horse shoeing, iron being maellable when red hot. In this case IUniverse is the red hot iron, and today I'm ordering 100 more books at a 50% discount with free shipping. The discount ends Friday.

Once I'd banked enough book profit to pay back my dear lender (who said it was an open ended gift/loan) the question arose: pay her back or take half the money and get more books. Thanks to my friend Elisabeth Hallett (THE LADY IS DELICATE) who informed me of the IUniverse deal, I'm going for it.

Not that books have been selling like hotcakes. But they will, any month now. It's like panning for gold. Keep sloshing the water through the pan, looking for glints and sparkles, which means keep searching all the leads looking for a vein that will lead to a great audience knowing about my book.

And I've committed to the Flathead Writer's Conference in October which might lead to something. Last time I went I found an agent who actually "loved" the book. Unfortunately she couldn't find anywhere to "shop" it, so our relationship was short. But it gave me the confidence that I had written something valuable to someone "in the know!"

Okay, I'm putting aside the platitudes to make the call to IU. Here we go again! May they all be sold by February, 2011!