Saturday, December 4, 2010


I had the rare pleasure of an old friend calling me and requesting three copies of the book! We had a wonderful lunch together in Missoula, after several years of absence. She plans on giving the book at Christmas! I had helped her birth her two daughters a number of years ago, and one of them lunched with us and brought her son, a bright, relaxed, almost three-year-old.

NEW TRAILER ON YOUTUBE: Should be out in a week or two. Very simple. Another little presence on the web for folks looking for me. Plan on making another one over the holidays. My granddaughter will interview me and she can post it to YouTube.

A local "Wiccan" bookstore requested three more copies of the book, has sold two. I took credit instead of cash, her merchandise is so lovely. The store's name is Between the Worlds. She's a brave woman given the climate in our valley.

And this weekend my book is once again at Lava Hot Springs, Idaho.

Missoula's Hastings Book Store is interested in a reading, imagine that! After Christmas I'll make yet another drive north to Missoula and see how that goes.

Hoping my readers enjoy the "Going Within" time, and celebrate Winter Solstice with friends and animals!